Side x Side

Pushing the limits of off-road training for farm vehicles

Staying Safe Off-Road
by Taking Risks Online

Agriculture is the highest ranking industry for fatalities in New Zealand each year, according to WorkSafe NZ. Couple this with vehicles ranked as the highest accident type, and you know something needs to change.

In 2020, WorkSafe NZ commissioned Gfactor to build a Side by Side driver training simulator. The aim was to raise awareness with farmers about the risks of learning to drive off-road vehicles solely on the job.

In the last 12 months, our simulator has toured the lengths and breadth of Aotearoa with WorkSafe, visiting iconic events such as Mystery Creek Field Days, with 550 eager drivers driving through rough farming terrain.

Not only does the simulator provide a great spectacle, and a memorable experience for anyone who drives it; it shows how our farmers could keep their teams safe driving off-road, by moving the risk-taking and mistake-making online, using virtual reality.

The Side by Side is an ambitious proof of concept for Gfactor, that explores what can be achieved through zero-risk virtual reality training, and leading edge simulator technology.


– Real Side x Side vehicle
– Multiple choice safety questions
– Self-contained trailer for easy transportation

– Motion simulation frame
– Step-by-step teaching and feedback
– Real New Zealand farm environment

Want this for your business?

There are lots of different ways you can help make this happen. Get in touch with us today to discuss your options.